Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] DRI + Jack conflict?
From: Dave Robillard (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 02:54:09 EET
On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 19:32, Paul Davis wrote:
> its a basic problem with real time software, the POSIX API etc.
> JACK tries to lock *all* the process memory. POSIX doesn't offer any
> APIs that would allow us to lock only the parts we need locked without
> a lot of impossibly ugly, non-portable kludgery. the part that needs
> locking consists of any memory that will be touched by the code run in
> the JACK-managed "audio" thread.
> the implementation of DRI by certain video interface drivers means
> that we end up trying to lock the video memory as well, and this tends
> to fail for various reasons.
> its not what to do about this. the most obvious answer is "don't try
> to run real-time software on systems with these video drivers
> installed". i know its not very satisfactory, but its all we have for
> now.
Well.... crap. I guess I can play with video in non-realtime mode for
the time being.
I guess I'll have to wait for the day when I can afford two
multi-channel audio interfaces, two multi-channel MIDI interfaces, and a
dedicated machine to handle the visualisation aspect of things.
Those will be the days. ;)
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