Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] DRI + Jack conflict?
From: Vincent Touquet (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 13:14:24 EET
On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 07:32:35PM -0500, Paul Davis wrote:
>the implementation of DRI by certain video interface drivers means
>that we end up trying to lock the video memory as well, and this tends
>to fail for various reasons.
Hm, that sounds bad.
Does this problem also happen with the open source drivers from ?
I was just thinking of getting an IBM thinkpad and I might want to change
the model I want based on this.
>its not what to do about this. the most obvious answer is "don't try
>to run real-time software on systems with these video drivers
>installed". i know its not very satisfactory, but its all we have for
Too bad :/
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