Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] DRI + Jack conflict?
From: Dave Phillips (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 15:31:10 EET
Recently I've been having a lot of trouble with extraneous noise from
my system. Some apps are worse than others, but it does seem that
JACK-enabled apps fare the worst. Following this thread it occurred to
me that perhaps my video driver is at fault. I have a gForce2 and am
using nVidia's driver. I realize I could use the Linux kernel driver,
but I'll lose the OpenGL acceleration I need for Pd.
DRI is "off" in XF86Config, I've added the no-hlt instruction to my
lilo.conf, and I added the pci_burst option to XF86Config (though the
card is an AGP board). The worst offender right now is Csound,
especially when I run Oeyvind Brandtsegg's ImproSculpt. The noise from
the mouse movement is nasty, there are audible glitches when I switch
workspaces (I'm using the Blackbox WM) or even switch tabs with the app,
and occasionally the sound simply "derails". It's hard to describe what
happens: the sound keeps playing, it's just "zippery" for a while, then
it seems to come back to its senses and plays normally for a while
before it zips again.
I'm also one of those folks who can't get jackd to run in realtime
mode, I get the same lock-down error others have reported here. So I'm
wondering how I can best troubleshoot my system. The problem appears to
be either JACK, the video driver, or maybe something to do with disk I/O
(? it's an ext3 system). If anyone else out there is using a similar
setup please let me know if you've done anything special to reduce
digital noise.
Machine is an 800 MHz AMD w. 512 MB RAM, system is Planet CCRMA RH 9.
Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. I haven't had this
kind of noise problem before now, I'd certainly like to get rid of it,
and I'm willing to try about anything at this point (as long as it
doesn't cost much ;).
Best regards,
Dave Phillips
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