Subject: [linux-audio-dev] hdsp+latency questions
From: d (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 14:11:01 EET
hello everyone!
this is not exactly about audio-development, but the DRI+jack thread
encouraged me to ask a few questions about optimizing my setup:
i'm using a rme hdsp (cardbus) + multiface with my 1ghz pIII laptop for
quite a while now, and i'm happy with it.
i would like to use the setup for live-processing but the lowest jackd
framesize i can safely use is 2048. the main issue here seems to be the
nvidia graphics card.
since i switched from kernel 2.4.2x+lowlat+capabilities to 2.6.1 the
cpu-load seems to be noticable higher for ardour, but the latency-issue
did not change.
so my questions are:
*) is anybody successfully using hdsp-cardbus with really low latencies ?
*) how important is the firmware version - which firmware version should
i use for my hdsp card?
*) did anyone else notice increasing cpu load with audio-apps + kernel
2.6.x ?
*) any hints about configuring X11 for linux-audio (besides from DRI
questions ;-) ?
let me know if you think i'm on the wrong list should better alsa-dev.
thanks in advance
-- Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms. -- Groucho Marx
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