[linux-audio-dev] Re: Modular Jack patch bay

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Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: Modular Jack patch bay
From: Juhana Sadeharju (kouhia_AT_nic.funet.fi)
Date: Fri Feb 13 2004 - 18:20:48 EET


I was reading Ableton Live tutorials at "www.creativesynth.com" and
found the following:

  One important point about Rewire hosting - that is shutdown order.
  If you try to shut down Live while Reason is running, you will get
  a warning that looks something like this:

   [ the program cannot quit ]

  Don't panic, this is common with all Rewire hosting environments - if
  you would quit Live, Reason would have no place to send its audio.
  Therefore, you have to jump to Reason, quit the program (saving any
  changes you might have made), return to Live and shutdown. A bit of
  a hassle, but well worth the effort.

That is another good reason to have the application manager in the
Patchbay --- but it help only if one want to quit. It won't help if
one wants keep the other applications up and running.

If I remove a synth application in Jack, then what happens to the effect
applications in the path? Does they receive silent input or break up?
The silent input would be better because then I could switch the
synth application with a need to remake the whole system.


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