Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Some music made with Linux
From: Pete Bessman (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 01:06:35 EET
At Thu, 19 Feb 2004 23:23:39 +0100,
David Olofson wrote:
> That said, it might be an interesting excercise to remix your song
> using only or mostly script based sounds... (Modular synthesis,
> basically.) Dunno if there's much point it trying to synthesize the
> guitar riffs at this point, but I'll try all sorts of instruments
> eventually. There are a few synthesis operators and features I want
> to add first, though.
Writing a guitar sound synthesizer that sounds good is a very
difficult thing. The best one out there (the proprietary Slayer
generator) sounds pretty crummy. Since this song is industrial, and
the main gist of it is just a few guitar chords, using just a few
samples of the guitar sounds and some creative song restructuring
could produce excellent results.
So, if Audiality has or will have a sample player, I would use that
for the guitar sounds (I'd be happy to provide clips). Otherwise,
instead of trying to synthesize guitars, just come up with really
gritty in face-melting synth sounds and use some of the aforementioned
"creative song restructuring."
I don't know what your music hook up is like, but I would highly
recommend listening to the sounds on "Exiled on Mainline" by Chemlab
and "Edgecrusher (Urban Assault Mix)" by Fear Factory. I further
recommend comparing the Fear Factory song against the original version
to see how far "creative song restructuring" can get you.
Whew, that was long winded!
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