Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Freeze?
From: Benjamin Flaming (
Date: Thu Feb 26 2004 - 19:53:10 EET
On Thursday 26 February 2004 12:26 pm, Paul Davis wrote:
> >A bit more seriously, offline rendering in a tree graph works for 3d
> > editing, and has worked for a number of years. I think it's a natural
> > progression to try the same concepts on audio.
> with the greatest respect, this is how audio used to be done and still
> is for some purposes. just think of working on a long Csound
> composition ...
Actually, the basic concept idea of Tinara predates 3d graphics, and even
predates computer-based music production entirely, AFAIK. It's just like
ping-ponging tracks and printing effects on multi-track tape machines. The
difference now is that we don't lose any (significant) quality by doing this,
and we have the ability to go back to the original at any time.
Additionally, the tree structure would things managable, even if dealing with
a couple hundred elements.
Trees just strike me as a more natural way to organize a song. The "Mix
Window/Edit Window" style feels too linear to me. Just personal preferences,
I guess :)
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