Subject: Re: Ooura vs FFTW3, Re: [linux-audio-dev] DRC 2.4.0
From: Jussi Laako (
Date: Sun Feb 29 2004 - 00:03:52 EET
On Sat, 2004-02-28 at 17:47, Tim Goetze wrote:
> i assume 'halfcomplex' is what is called 'real' in Jussi's benchmark
> output. one thing that makes me wonder is that my copy of Ooura's
> routines seems to work with double precision only.
libDSP contains (among other things) C++ class implementation of
float&double version of Ooura radix-4, radix-8 and split-radix
Using Ooura (built-in), FFTW (external) and Intel IPP (external) FFTs
with libDSP is just matter of configuration #define.
-- Jussi Laako <>
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