Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] ANNOUNCE: qjackctl 0.2.9 released!
From: Paul Davis (
Date: Mon Jul 05 2004 - 02:27:00 EEST
>Hi Paul,
>>>It's been a while, although this time there's not much. Just minor
>>> fixes, nothing very outstanding. However here it is, a new public
>>> release for QjackCtl, the little Qt (cutie:) application to control
>>> the JACK sound server daemon, specific for the Linux Audio Desktop
>>> infrastructure.
>> any idea when it will be possible to avoid any -t <msecs> argument?
>> its just not the correct usage of JACK to be specifying this by
>> default.
>It can be avoided in deed, if just you set its value to the jackd default
>one (500 msecs). In general, this is what happens with all other server
the problem is that there is supposed to be *no* jackd default for
this :) i'll have to fix this in JACK itself. qjackctl should include
a "none" option when that is done.
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