Subject: [linux-audio-dev] jack_ringbuffer_read_space() question
From: Tom Szilagyi (
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 17:52:40 EEST
I have a program with some (p)threads, and a jack ringbuffer. One
thread is writing to the ringbuffer, and another is reading from it.
The question is: is it (thread-)safe to have a _third_ thread that
looks at the ringbuffer via jack_ringbuffer_read_space() at random
times to determine how much data is in the ringbuffer? This third
thread does not actually read nor write any data to/from the
ringbuffer, just wants to know the amount of data in it.
So far I didn't see any crashes/lockups, is it really safe to do this
or just my dirty luck? :)
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