Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Song file format : ascii or binary ?
From: Olivier Guilyardi (
Date: Tue Jul 13 2004 - 01:16:49 EEST
I'm writing a pattern-based audio sequencer, and wonder about the file
format to choose when saving the whole song. My application handles the
usual stuff : metadata (bpm, settings), patterns, and samples.
Do you believe I should use (yet another) binary file format, embedding
patterns, samples, and possibly roasted chicken into a big standalone
(that's the good point) package ?
Or may I produce an XML file (doesn't <pattern> looks nicer than
[pattern] ? ;), with an option to mimic the save "Web-page, Complete"
mozilla behaviour ?
That is, when saving song.xml, sticking a song.xml.files/ folder in the
same directory, to store samples.
-- og
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