Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [linux-audio-user] WONDER release
From: Marije Baalman (
Date: Fri Jul 16 2004 - 00:19:03 EEST
just a short note, as I got some reactions on this...
the submenu on my website for "program", is scrollable (using arrow
keys or a scroll wheel) even though you may not see a scrollbar.
I will change this bit of the website, but do not know when I will get
the time to do so...
Wednesday, July 14, 2004, 11:03:52 PM, you wrote:
MB> Hi,
MB> I am happy to announce the first release of WONDER.
MB> The program WONDER (Wave field synthesis of new dimensions of
MB> electronic music in realtime) is designed to provide an interface
MB> between a wave field synthesis system and the software or hardware
MB> composers and performers of electronic music are used to. The program
MB> is still in development and trying to reach its eventual goal step by step.
MB> The current version (v2.0) allows the user to either create a
MB> composition for the movement of the sound sources in his composition
MB> or to control the movements in realtime, either via the gui or via
MB> open sound control.
MB> The program is released under the GNU General public license. Feedback
MB> and bug reports are very welcome:
MB> The program is created by Marije Baalman and Daniel Plewe (OSC
MB> implementation) and is developed in the Electronic Studio of the TU
MB> Berlin.
MB> WONDER is created for Linux (X11) and uses the
MB> Free Qt-Libraries (v3.0.2b or higher),
MB> libOSC++ libraries and
MB> BruteFIR (v0.99n or higher).
MB> Basic installation info can be found in the package in the INSTALL
MB> text. The README file lists some extra requirements and necessary
MB> adaptations for BruteFIR.
MB> Furthermore a soundcard with a lot of outputs and a lot of speakers
MB> are required, to make practical use of the program.
MB> At:
MB> you will find a description of what Wave Field Synthesis is and under:
MB> program - download
MB> you will be able to download the program as a tar-ball.
MB> The manual with screenshots is also online.
MB> The software is by far not yet bug-free, but in my experience it is
MB> usable and generally it does not crash when running the audio (except
MB> if external conflicts happen or the processor is overloaded). See the
MB> KNOWBUGS file that comes with the package...
MB> sincerely,
MB> Marije Baalman
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