Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] ladspar 0.1
From: Hans Fugal (
Date: Fri Jul 30 2004 - 03:25:24 EEST
ladspar is a Ruby module for using LADSPA plugins. Here's a short
---require 'ladspa' require 'narray'
# load the CMT library cmt = LADSPA.load_library('cmt')
# get an instance of the amp_mono plugin amp_mono = cmt.plugins.find {|p| p.label == 'amp_mono'}.instantiate(44100)
# The ports are Gain, Input, and Output. amp_mono.ports[0].connect_port(1.5) # gain
input = NArray.sfloat(44100) amp_mono.ports[1].connect_port(input)
output = NArray.sfloat(44100) amp_mono.ports[2].connect_port(output)
amp_mono.activate if amp_mono.has_activate
# prep the input data ...
amp_mono.deactivate if amp_mono.has_deactivate amp_mono.cleanup
This is the first release of ladspar; I consider it beta quality. I have put it through its paces (more test code than swig code), but I am the only one to have tested it. Nevertheless I think it is usable, and I am eager to fix any bugs you may find.
Go grab it at
-- .O. Hans Fugal | De gustibus non disputandum est. ..O | Debian, vim, mutt, ruby, text, gpg OOO | WindowMaker, gaim, UTF-8, RISC, JS Bach --------------------------------------------------------------------- GnuPG Fingerprint: 6940 87C5 6610 567F 1E95 CB5E FC98 E8CD E0AA D460
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