Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Re: realtime-lsm in the kernel
From: Lee Revell (
Date: Wed Sep 08 2004 - 07:52:27 EEST
On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 00:42, Jack O'Quin wrote:
> Lee Revell <> writes:
> > Anyway if the author does not object, I would be willing to spearhead a
> > drive to get this into the kernel. I am sure they will approve as soon
> > as 100s linux audio users voice their approval...
> It's fine with me. I agree that it makes sense, but have not been
> willing to hassle with the LKML, myself. Several others have
> suggested it in the past, but no one was willing to push it through
> the process.
OK, great. I might as well do this before I get sick of LKML and
unsubscribe ;-).
> If you do that, I'll help. I have a version in my CVS working tree
> that will build as a kernel patch with the appropriate Kconfig and
> Makefile updates. Please copy me on any messages you send to the
> LKML, I'm not subscribed.
Can you send this to me? I will cc: you and Torben on anything I post.
> Torben was the original author, and I've been developing and
> maintaining it since the end of 2003. I doubt he will object, but he
> can speak for himself. :-)
OK, since it will have his name on it too, I will see if he has any
objections before I post it.
> Adding it to the kernel sources would probably make maintenance
> easier.
Yes, definitely. I see many more controversial, more complex, and less
useful features getting added to the kernel all the time, this seems
like a no brainer, because every audio user will need it. Once we get
this in the kernel it will be a one step process (apply Ingo's patches)
to get up and running on 2.6.
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