Subject: [linux-audio-dev] pkaudio/pksampler release
From: Patrick Stinson (
Date: Mon Sep 20 2004 - 15:56:24 EEST
I've released the pksampler and pkaudio packages.
PKAudio is an audio lib/daemon that makes asynchronous communication with a
realtime audio engine from high-level languages like python easy. It is
incredibly simple to write extension modules (subclass, implement two simple
methods, link with executable), and is a very nice place to start for someone
looking to get right to the important part of their dsp application. A Python
module is included.
PKSampler is a DJ sampler intended for a touch screen. It uses python and qt
to animate real 3D widgets created with PoVRay. Check out the screen shots!
I'm also working on PKStudio, which is essentially meant to be an open
replacement for Propellerhead Software's Reason. It focuses on tools for
extending pkaudiod to encourage others to write more dsp modules for it.
Read the pkaudio release notes for compilation help. should be simple.
PKSampler is written in python, so there isn't any setup.
There's lots of directions for this app to take, and I'd like to know if
anyone can get pksampler running on their machines. Works best with more than
one soundcard! Thanks!
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