Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Akai
From: Frank NEUMANN (
Date: Wed Sep 22 2004 - 10:38:18 EEST
Hi list, wrote:
> Hi peeps,
> Is there anything out there to convert Akai sample CDs?
There is abrowse (, sporting a GTK GUI, but is has not made
any moves for quite some time, and I have had varying luck with it; there
is also a set of Perl scripts ("akai_tools.tar.gz") by Hiroyuki Ohsaki;
however, someone just discovered recently that his old homepage is no more,
and the new homepage at does not contain
the actual source download link (I just mailed Hiroyuki asking him to correct
this). I still have a copy at home, so mail me offlist if you need that.
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