Subject: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Linux/Alsa Tascam US-122 Issues
From: Antonio Willy Malara (
Date: Tue Sep 28 2004 - 02:36:55 EEST
On 2004.09.27 12:40, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> Hi,
> Karsten Wiese wrote:
> > I've got something cooking to solve this, but don't know when it
> > will
> > be ready.
> >
really!?!?!? THANX!!! :)
> AFAICR, the last alsa-driver release version from which snd-usb-usx2y
> worked barely was 1.0.5a. I do remember also that it was somewhat
> unstable, specially regarding jackd support, but IMMV.
thanks for the infos!! infact downgrading to 1.0.5a works well..
uhm.. not really well, with oss emulation it has a PERFECT sound, the
only alsa app i use (would to) is jack, but it will kick itself out
after really few second of operation, even with -R switches and so..
Zeryn:/home/willy# /usr/local/bin/jackd -R -d alsa -d plughw:0
jackd 0.98.1
could not complete playback of 1024 frames: error = -32
cycle execution failure, exiting
DRIVER NT: could not run driver cycle
jack main caught signal 12
Zeryn:/home/willy# /usr/local/bin/jackd -R -d alsa -d plughw:0 -p 2048
jackd 0.98.1
jackd watchdog: timeout - killing jackd
whit -s switch it will more or less work, but the sound is crappy as
hell :(
someone has a clue on what could be? is the machine that's slow? (ibook
g3 700mhz) or it can be some software issue?
sorry if i disturb you all, but really dunno what to do :(
(apart of using mac os x, but i really want to use this cool audio apps
"we" all have)
> It's really very good news you have something cooking on this,
> Karsten.
> Just knowing that make me feel a lot better :) Your work has been
> unvaluable, and I surely thank you for it.
the same :)
--- Il jazz e' lasciare che la luce brilli, lasciarla essere. -- Keith Jarrett
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