Subject: [linux-audio-dev] [announce] radio programme (in German) on free software and contemporary music, LAD 2004, Wizards of Os
From: Michael Iber (
Date: Tue Oct 05 2004 - 11:39:46 EEST
my radio programme about free software and contemporary composing, the LAD
in Karlsruhe and the "Wizards od Os"-Conference in Berlin
"- wo die Quellen offen liegen -
Freie Software und aktuelle Musik"
will be broadcasted on German State Radio
SWR2 on Nov 1st at 11 pm.
It includes interviews (from the LAD 2004) and music by
Ivica Ico Bukvic
Martin Rumori/Daniel Teige
Thomas Grill
Torsten Anders
Ludger Brümmer
Michel Koenders
Orm Finnendahl
I have to apologize to Fernando and Kjetil for not having included your
interviews and music, but I had to choose from more than 3 hours of
material, where I had - for a German programme - to concentrate on German
native speakers. Thank you again very much for you contribution ... sorry.
Best regards,
Michael Iber
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