Subject: [linux-audio-dev] Speech recognition
From: Susan R. Cragin (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 20:04:34 EEST
Hello. I am a not-very-technical person trying to get some opinions to
pass along to our group.
We are trying to get speech recognition working on Linux and want to
test everything using the same USB sound pod and the best microphone,
provided that the equipment is widely available to the general public.
Right now the microphone of choice seems to be the Sennheiser MD 431 II.
For USB Sound Pod we understand that many of them do not run properly
with Linux, and of those that do, some do not transmit enough subtlety
to capture small variations in speech.
Any and all suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Susan R. Cragin, Director
Open-Source Speech Recognition Initiative
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