Re: [linux-audio-dev] GPL concerns

From: Erik de Castro Lopo <>
Date: Wed Apr 06 2005 - 15:09:47 EEST

On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 00:31:15 -0500
Shane <lists@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> Hey everyone. I have a bland but important question for everyone. Say
> hypothetically a company is developing an audio product using lots of
> GPL source, but for whatever marketing reasons asks for NDA concerning
> the codebase. Lots of GPL work is referenced and at least dynamically
> linked, and though the company has directly stated that it will release
> the codebase publicly with the product release (once it is complete).
> I am curious as to the general feel in the community on such practices.
> Would this 1) be a violation of the GPL,


> 2) if it is how tolerant would
> the OSS community be, considering the general good intent of the
> project, and

If any of my code is involved, I will prusue the matter.

> 3) if I were asked to sign such a NDA would that document
> be a binding agreement even if the NDA itself might be a violation of
> the GPL since it is inherently counterintuitive to the intent of the
> GPL.

The GPL is pretty clear about this. The GPL comes into action when
the binaries or code derived from GPL code is **distributed**.
That means that you and the company can hack on whatever GPL code
you like as long as they don't release a binary (under NDA or not).


  Erik de Castro Lopo (Yes it's valid)
"Therapists typically base the nuttiness of a patient on the
strength of their convictions, on which basis this 43,000 word
opus alone stands as a kind of testament to Bill's (Gates)
madness." - The Register
Received on Wed Apr 6 16:15:07 2005

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