[linux-audio-dev] LAC 2005 streaming: please test!

From: Joern Nettingsmeier <nettings@email-addr-hidden-hochschule.de>
Date: Thu Apr 07 2005 - 19:54:10 EEST

hi everyone!

we are currently setting up a stream network for lac2005 (http://lac.zkm.de)

since we are trying to provide video streams for the first time, i would
welcome testers to shake out any problems beforehand.

our master server is currently open for public testing at
http://lac2005.zkm.de:8000. in order to conserve bandwidth, the number
of clients is limited.

there is one video (un chien andalou by salvador dali) and one audio
stream (the jazz tune "melancia" played by a friend of mine) streamed in
two different bitrates each.

please test them (especially the video stream). since theora streaming
is quite bleeding-edge, few distros will support it out-of-the-box.
in order to generate some documentation for stream users, we have
borrowed frank barknechts wiki, please go to


and add hints for your own distro.

! note that after this initial test period, the master server will be
closed to the public again. during the conference, only relays will be
given access. you can tune to one of the relays instead. urls will be
posted real soon now.

anticipating some bug reports:

* yes, the video is black-and-white.
* yes, there is some (intentional) distortion in the audio stream.
* yes, there is currently no metadata displayed.
* yes, the streams are not continous, i.e. your player will quit after
   the piece ends.
* yes, you will see greenish garbage at the beginning. that's your
   player waiting for a theora keyframe.

like last year, there will be irc channels:
   #lac2005 @ irc.freenode.net for general conference issues and feedback
                                  from remote conference participants
   #lac2005-tech @ irc.freenode.net for stream-related technical issues

if you have problems or success stories, share them on the lists or on irc.


Received on Fri Apr 8 00:15:09 2005

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