Re: [linux-audio-dev] RE:HELP:porting linux audio driver to RTLinux(rtlinux core driver)

From: Lee Revell <>
Date: Sat Apr 09 2005 - 07:22:21 EEST

On Fri, 2005-04-08 at 20:36 -0700, nobin matthew wrote:
> Dear friends,
> The Real problem is, i need dma to fill
> codec controller FIFO in every 600us(8 samples still
> in codec FIFO and codec controller is half full, at
> that time it will generate interrupts), this will
> generate a sin wave which is used to controll another
> device. If codec controller did not get data in this
> period it sents last available sample again and again,
> thus producing a straight line. In Normal linux (2.4
> kernel) interrupts and process scheduling may cause
> problem. This is the reason for porting linux audio
> driver to RTlinux and it is not possible to access
> normal linux driver from RTLinux threads.

You definitely do not need RTLinux to meet a 600 usec RT constraint. A
recent 2.6 kernel with the realtime-preempt patches can do this easily.

Linux has improved a *lot* in this area since 2.4.

Received on Sat Apr 9 08:15:16 2005

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