Re: [linux-audio-dev] compiling LADSPA for Mac OS X

From: James McDermott <jamesmichaelmcdermott@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Apr 10 2005 - 20:12:12 EEST

hi steve,

thanks for this...

> I believe that you need to use the following CFLAGS:
> -fno-common -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress -lbundle1.o

is that bundle1.o a placeholder i should replace with the name of a
specific .o file? i'm guessing not.

anyway, i tried these combinations of CFLAGS (one is the original plus
the ones you suggest, the other is just $(INCLUDES) plus the ones you

CFLAGS = $(INCLUDES) -Wall -Werror -O3 -fPIC -fno-common
-flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress -lbundle1.o

CFLAGS = $(INCLUDES) -fno-common -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined
suppress -lbundle1.o

and both give the same error (though the cc command printed by make
looks different of course):

[~/dev/ladspa_sdk/src] $ make
cc -I. -fno-common -flat_namespace -bundle -undefined suppress
-lbundle1.o -o plugins/amp.o -c plugins/amp.c
cc: -lbundle1.o: linker input file unused because linking not done
ld -o ../plugins/ plugins/amp.o -shared
ld: unknown flag: -shared
make: *** [../plugins/] Error 1

as you know, the LADSPA sdk doesn't come with a configure script which
would generate the right compilation flags. but i'll look at the
configure script in your plugin package and (if i can understand it!)
maybe it'll give me what i need... thanks again.
Received on Mon Apr 11 00:15:07 2005

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