Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: [linux-audio-dev] Concerning libfst, vstserver, and dssi-vst

From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 12 2005 - 04:16:04 EEST

>Ah. No point talking about it here then.

this is LA*D*, where we are free to ramble about every stillborn idea
that shows up in our wacky little minds, isn't it? :)

>No, the licence situation is clear enough I think. It just isn't very
>satisfactory. You can't legally link anything that uses the Steinberg
>headers into a GPL application and distribute the results as a binary,
>with or without source. dssi-vst is a plugin with very particular

well, actually, thats not quite true. *I* can do that for Ardour, and
I suspect that the Rosegarden group could do that for RG as
well. Ditto Werner with MusE; since we are the copyright owners, we
can do whatever we damn well please :) However, 3rd parties cannot, and
in this day and age of O(N^2) Linux distributions, that is a bit of an

Received on Tue Apr 12 08:15:06 2005

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