Re: [linux-audio-dev] jack_process and pitch-shifting

From: Olivier Guilyardi <ml@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Apr 23 2005 - 13:07:00 EEST

Steve Harris wrote:

>>Say the user starts a raw playback, and then choose to add
>>pitch-shifting, while playing. The CPU load would suddenly increase. Is
>>this bad ?
>No, as long as it stays at that level. Problems come when for eg. the CPU
>load is very high for a few cycles, then goes low for a bit, then high
>again, without any configuration changes being made.

Ok I'm gonna do the job in process(). By the way, is there any good
reading around to understand what's involved in this ?


Received on Sat Apr 23 16:15:11 2005

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