Re: [linux-audio-dev] Other real-time options

From: Kai Vehmanen <kvehmanen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Apr 24 2005 - 22:19:40 EEST

On Fri, 8 Apr 2005, Lee Revell wrote:

[realtime-lsm not going to be adopted to mainline kernel...]
> It's a tough call because although the LSM approach clearly is more
> immediately user friendly, the nice and RT prio limits are a better
> designed solution. If your distro sets everything up right (a big if),
> either way it will just work.

Btw, on a more positive note, installing realtime-lsm from a separate
tar-gz package is super easy. I just upgraded my kernel to, and
adding the realtime-lsm-0.8.5 module was very, very easy. You do have to
set a few /sys params, but this you have to do only once, not for every
new kernel.

Compared to the trouble I've had to go through sometimes to compile
pre-2.4 alsa-driver packages, drivers for various out-of-kernel device
drivers, etc, realtime-lsm is just a walk in the park! :)

So even if none of the rt-audio enabling options end up in mainline 2.6
linux, I think we are still in a better position with 2.6+realtime_lsm
than with anything we had for 2.4 and older kernels.

  Audio software for Linux!
Received on Mon Apr 25 00:15:13 2005

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