Re: [linux-audio-dev] GTK performance?

From: Jens M Andreasen <jens.andreasen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 28 2005 - 15:29:09 EEST

On Thu, 2005-04-28 at 05:15 -0700, dave@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> > My conclusion is that there is something deeply wrong inside gtk,
> > regarding handling of signals and/or redraw. This is bad news for RT
> > audio people using gtk.
> granted, this is important for general purpose issues, but isn't this all
> irrelevant if you are using a realtime audio thread?

No, because I manipulate the sound in realtime and I have no visual
feedback of what is going on when the machine is actually doing audio
(as opposed to just sitting there, looking pretty.)

  c[]  //  Jens M Andreasen
Received on Thu Apr 28 16:15:10 2005

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