On Fri, 29 Apr 2005 12:38:24 +0200
Tom Szilagyi <tszilagyi@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I've run into difficulties trying to compile a statically linked
> version due to problems with GTK, which apparently doesn't allow me to
> statically link to it. I also don't really know how to get at
> statically linking libc (however I didn't try very hard anyway, since
> I already got stuck with GTK).
i don't know much about statically linking either, but if it doesn't
work at all you might want to distribute the (shared) libs in your
package, and then use a script to startup the app which sets the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the dir which holds the libs from your package.
-- Palimm Palimm! http://affenbande.org/~tapas/Received on Fri Apr 29 16:15:07 2005
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