On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 09:24:58PM +0200, Juhana Sadeharju wrote:
> How about a software which can combine the outputs coming from
> two receivers tuned to the same station?
> ...
> Strange, I recently read a recent (2000+) paper. They praised
> (like having a patent on them) two innovations: (1) an audio editor
> could handle non-audio signals, e.g., RF signal, ultrasound, etc.,
> and (2) the above kind of receiver combination. The innovation (1)
> was discussed at 1997/98 here or elsewhere, and I invented the
> innovation (2) at 1993.
It's much older than your 1993 invention. It's called 'diversity
reception' and has been used for at least 50 years.
-- FAReceived on Wed Nov 2 00:15:05 2005
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