On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 01:57:47PM +0100, St?phane Letz wrote:
> >So if there are N clients, each of them needs N file descriptors open
> >all the time. System wide the complexity grows as N^2. Not really a
> >good way to tackle an O(N) problem IMHO.
> Yes but in the jackdmp data flow kind of model, the actual activation
> order is only known when the graph executes.
> Or do you have a better idea to do that?
Yes, don't use named semas, but 'anonymous' ones placed in memory
shared by all clients. Each new client gets two pointers, one to the
sema it has to wait on (fixed for the client's lifetime), and one it
has to signal (changes when the graph is reordered).
But of course if OSX doesn't have them, then it's impossible...
-- FAReceived on Wed Nov 2 16:15:08 2005
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