On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 11:47:53AM +0100, Jay Vaughan wrote:
> http://gbax.com/
> its a dual-processor (ARM) portable games machine, battery powered,
> US$180, and .. it runs linux, has a very interesting EXT connector
> which supports USB and MIDI, video and audio, and extremely active
> games coding is going on, with well over 10,000 games currently
> runnable on it (emulation, baby):
How's its float performance? Older ARMs have very bad/non-existant floating
point support.
If its not up to scract it's not the end of the world, it just narrows the
choices a bit.
Does it have enough umph to run JACK? That would make it an interesting
platform for audio hacking.
- Steve
Received on Wed Jan 11 16:15:05 2006
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