On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 01:53:25PM +0000, Steve Harris wrote:
> I agree about ARM assembly, I have written some (not DSP related) many
> years ago and it was quite straightforward.
Another ex Acorn user ???
> Does this ARM chip have real fixedpoint hardware, or do you have to do bit
> manipulations to get the numbers?
It doesn't have anything specific fixed point. It's all integer, and you,
as the programmer, have to imagine a binary point somewhere in your data
and keep track of it.
What helps enormously on the ARM is that all arithmetic instructions can
include a (no overhead) shift on one of the operands. There are some
other unique things, such as the 16 conditions on *all* instructions.
-- FAReceived on Wed Jan 11 16:15:11 2006
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