Hi all,
as every year the famous german LinuxTag is taking place. This year in
Wiesbaden from 3. to 6. May. Yes, this is just one week after LAC2006,
which has several advantages and disadvantages:
+ It is a good chance to come to Germany for LAC, have one or two
days of holiday and then join the LA-Group at LinuxTag!
+ Maybe even repeat your LAC-Talk at LinuxTag? (see www.linuxtag.org
for details on the Call-for-Papers but be aware that it ends January
+ Wiesbaden is more in the center of germany so perhaps some LA-folks
from the north of germany can join us?
- The new place for LinuxTag together with LAC being a week before
enforce two of the main-booth-members of the last years (Christoph
Eckert and Frank Neumann) to be only a visitor at LinuxTag or even
less... That leaves a hole in the organisational part. :-(
So here is my call:
I am willing to do some work organizing a booth and a group of staff
but I need YOUR help! If you are a german LA[DU]-member and have some
spare time, join in!
A booth at LinuxTag is a good opportunity to present Linux Audio to
the people, not only to developers but more to users. The crowd is
mostly industry (producers, technicians, musicians) at the weekdays
and home-recording-users at the weekend. Don't be afraid, there won't
be much questions about setting up drivers for consumer-cards (and If
there are, we usually send them to their distributions booth :-) ).
But there will be a lot people thinking about using your app in
studio! So you definitly don't want to miss this chance!
If I get positive answers from at least two other people by weekend, I
will apply for a booth and things start rolling, so don't hesitate,
check your calendar, plan for another week of holiday and join me
So long and thanks for all the fish,
-- visit http://dillenburg.dyndns.org/~arnold/ --- Wenn man mit Raubkopien Bands wie Brosis oder Britney Spears wirklich verhindern könnte, würde ich mir noch heute einen Stapel Brenner und einen Sack Rohlinge kaufen.Received on Thu Jan 12 16:15:05 2006
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