torbenh@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> hello... i just wanted to announce, that i have written a jack binding
> for ninjam.
> ninjam is a network jam session software.
coolness ... i remember email exchanges with jp mercury (freewheelin)
where we dreamed of just this sort of thing ...
> the ported consoleclient for ninjam is available here:
> and yes... there is a Makefile.. find -name Makefile it...
> i just added the jack support...
took me a while to figure out how to build it (i think it already was)
... had to do a "make clean", then "make"
> more io ports will follow...
> also dont use with too low period sizes, it does not behave so well..
just did a quick test with it ... had a five minute jam with some dude,
and all seemed to go well (didn't do anything fancy, like hooking it
into ardour, though). i had a period of 512 in jack, which seemed ok.
thanx for the software (xfst, galan, now this), torben ... you
(scissors, paper) ROCK!
Received on Fri Jan 13 08:15:11 2006
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