On Sun, Jan 15, 2006 at 06:27:55PM +1000, Vaughan Famularo wrote:
> Hi guys
> After reading the last few days postings, it is obvious that this list
> is WAY OVER MY HEAD techwise. You are obviously developers!! Hence the
> name of the mailing list. Sorry I missed that!
> The thing is where can I get everyday info about triggering samples or
> the program to use to do it etc.????
> These type of questions are obviously beneath where your heads are
> operating.
> So, can someone humble themselves for a moment and give me some ideas
> regarding the above forementioned??
That would be LAU.
- Bengan -------------------------------------------------------------
- KTHNOC/SUNET/NORDUnet | http://www.noc.kth.se/~bengan | 08-7906586 -
Received on Sun Jan 15 12:15:05 2006
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