On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 10:46:14 +0100
krampenschiesser@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> Does someone have a very simple sequencer example?
> Something sending one note in 4/4?
> I don't get along with the timing of the alsa sequencer.
> I hope you can help me.
> Scar
i don't know whether you want to send midi events directly or schedule
them via alsa_seq. If the former case have a look at my small test
programs in this tarball
There's two programs in that tarball, one using the RTC for timing and
the other using the system timer and usleep() (the RTC based one does
achieve better accuracy).
Both programs simply try to send a stream of note-on events at very
regular intervals.
If you want to use alsa_seq's queues to schedule events for delivery at
a later time, you probably might have a look at rosegarden.
Have fun,
-- Palimm Palimm! http://tapas.affenbande.orgReceived on Sun Jan 15 16:15:05 2006
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