mlang wrote:
> I'd like to suggest this article:
> It is wonderfully detailed, includes all the necessary C source
> code to take the basic idea and make it fly. I used this
> method to write my instrument tuner by ripping out the last phase
> of the algorithm (resynthesis) and only using the exact
> frequency peak info. Its pretty useful, and I learned a lot
> from this article. Actually, I think thats the single most useful
> DSP tutorial I've ever read. It made me really grok FFT, which
> is something by its own right :-)
> Oh, and it is pretty simple to make this stuff work with libfftw3, just
> read tuneit.c (
Thanks for these excellent links, I think they will help me understand
this very well. And thanks to everyone else for their insights as well.
Received on Mon Jan 16 00:15:09 2006
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