I'm not quite shure, if this belongs here, or to the LAU list, but I am
subscribed here, so this is why I post it here. First, let me explain:
I'm in an urgent need for a notebook, as I am a university student
(from Slovakia) working as a part time PHP programmer and playing in a
(prog)rock band. I don't have much money I can spend on that book and I
need it now, so I am considering buying a refurbished IBM ThinkPad 600X
(PIII/450MHz, 128 or 256 MB RAM, 12 GB HDD). I'm not very demanding,
but I would be very glad, if I could use it for performing music on
stage. In the beginning maybe only playing a bit with PD and playing
samples and loops. I had an idea (this is why I'm writing) to buy later
a better desktop PC (with a good audio interface; maybe with a
rack-mount case) which would be running some audio apps (Jack,
softsynths, sequencer, ...) and could be controlled on stage via MIDI
and/or from the notebook using VNC (or NX) or MIDI. Or do you have any
suggestion, what could work better with lower latencies? Or is this
idea foolish as a whole?
I'm also interested if it is worth thinking about Linux HPC clustering
in a studio environment (Ardour with MPI?).
Thank you!
Received on Mon Jan 16 04:15:23 2006
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