> as for use ncurses, it works but provides no way to detect raw key
> presses, only character input. hence, there is no difference in ncurses
> between a user pressing the tab key or the control key and "i". you also
> cannot detect key press and release.
Ah, so that's out of the question...
> ardour's "ksi" interface has code that handles raw keycodes, even on
> another machine (network transparent raw keycode transmission, heh). it
> doesn't interact well with a running instance of X Window, so you can't
> use it inside a terminal window, but on a text console, its perfect, if
> i say so myself ;)
So you are saying the ksi interface could be used in a GTK application,
or in a console application when there is no X server running?
Received on Fri Jan 20 20:15:04 2006
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