On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 06:38:16PM +0100, Florian Schmidt wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:29:51 -0800
> thockin@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> > in another thread, Jorgen said that the input/output part of eXT on Linux
> > will be Open Source, so the JACK wizards can JACKify it as soon as it is
> > released.
> Why would anyone do this? To generate more revenue for the author? This
> is not really how open source works.
> Well, people might do this to help out their fellow users, but for me
> above would leave a bitter taste.
I would do it so that I have a potentially viable alternative to the
current state of affairs, which is that I boot windows to do music.
eXT is a decent program. The reason we don't get commercial apps on Linux
is because no one buys them. Linux folks want everything free.
I am as big a believer in Open Source as anyone else here. But I am also
a pragmatist, and until such time as a viable free alternative exists, I
have to use commercial apps. Given that, would I rather use and support a
commercial app that runs on Windows only or one that runs on Linux, too?
If you can't cope with the idea that someone makes a living doing
software, don't buy eXT, don't help Jorgen, and just ignore it. I, for
one, will do anything I can to help him make Linux into a competitive
migration path for Windows users.
Now, the problem is plugins - VST only? eek.
Received on Fri Jan 27 20:15:25 2006
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