On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 20:43 +0100, Richard Spindler wrote:
> Writing against the native ALSA API is a pain, because it requires much
> more low level stuff, that I don't really care for. And on top of that it'd also
> require me to setup my own thread for the callback mechanism.
i thought this too until i actually tried to write a minimal OSS-
equivalent ALSA app. the number of calls vs. OSS is almost exactly the
same, the only difference is the length of the function names
(snd_pcm_read() vs. read()).
there are certain basic things that any app using a HAL has to control,
and the way ALSA and OSS do it doesn't change that very much at all.
Received on Sat Jan 28 00:15:22 2006
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