I have a LADSPA/DSSI GUI builder going on at
http://flam.sourceforge.net/ which is conceived around qt designer. It
is far for complete and I don't think I can dedicate substantial time
to it until the summer. I am also concerned about the need to migrate
to QT4.
The only fully functional part I have managed to finish is flamwizard,
a program that displays a list of the installed LADSPA plugins and
generates a skeleton ui file ready to be edited in qt designer.
Comments and contributions very welcome.
On 1/28/06, Steve Harris <S.W.Harris@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 09:45:35 -0800, Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
> >
> > Reuben Martin:
> >
> > >>(Why hasn't anyone made a ladspa plugin with a GUI by the way? Its
> > >>really simple just spawning of a gui process program.)
> They have, it can be done via the DSSI API.
Received on Sun Jan 29 00:15:04 2006
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