Heh And here I had just offered the same thing;) Paul's hosting would
probably be better, but at least you got a backup if needed;)
I agree on the comments on the current status of the site. I have been
considering setting up a LAU wiki on my site since I got it started, but
have been worried it is already pretty well covered by others. However
I definitly think a Wiki type setup would be important as Linux Audio
changes so much due to it being open source, a combination of a Wiki and
archive system would allow I think the most flexibility, or even a Wiki
that is organized in versioning information. Just my opinion though,
like I offered on the SOS forums Ill make the same offer here and if
there is enough interest(Feel free to reply off-list) Ill set it up.
Received on Mon Jan 30 20:15:08 2006
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon Jan 30 2006 - 20:15:09 EET