On 4/3/06, carmen <ix@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > encouraging growth in an area by writing code. Now I just wish we had
> > a qt/gtk unification
> i dont think wishing one of them will go away is going to work. it seems in tech spaces, there are always 2 player in a given field which benefit from the borrowing/uneupmanship that goes on: google/yahoo, apple/microsoft, amd/intel, gtk/qt, ie/firefox, vhs/beta->dvd+r/dvd-r->hd-dvd/bluray, etc. if you want to start talking about duplicated efforts, tell me why do MHWaveEdit, Audacity, Rezound, Sweep, GnuSound, Snd, Glame, and Waveforge, Wavesurfer, and Xsox all exist? (meanwhile, theres no graphical OSC sequencer available in GTK/QT, and the only nondestructive wave editor ive seen (protux) seems abandoned and doesnt even compile (despite the concept haven proven itself in the win32 world with aps like wavelab's multichannel mode, ableton live, samplitude, pyramix..) anyways, i think people should be encouraged, but gently told that theyre reinventing a wheel when theres a warehouse of them sitting by.
I'm with you there.
> > but it would be nice to not have to translate between the two!
> what do you mean? youre constantly porting stuff back and forth between gtk and
I've ported some widgets, yes, but this was more light commentary.
qt to satisfy some sick craving? :)
You may be getting somewhere with that...
-- Patrick Kidd Stinson http://www.patrickkidd.com/ http://pkaudio.sourceforge.net/ http://pksampler.sourceforge.net/Received on Tue Apr 4 04:15:07 2006
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