On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 04:25:47AM -0500, Richard Smith wrote:
> On 4/4/06, Dmitry Baikov <dsbaikov@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > You are right in your comments, but please, take it easier.
> >
> > Richard and OGP company have no illusions about them being audio professionals.
> > And yes, it's more useful to look at RME, Echo, M-Audio, but keep it
> > cool, please ;)
> Its ok. I was prepared for the responses. I think the candid
> opinions have value, keep em comming. I'll point Tim at the RME,
> Echo, and M-Audio to look at as examples.
> Basically OGD1 is a big FPGA board with 256Mb of DDR RAM and some nice
> clean high speed analog and digital ouputs. The question Tim is
> asking (audio cluelessness aside) are:
how expensive is a firewire port ?
firewire stuff is THE niche to fill.
most newer firewire devices are not supported if if i understand
ahh... and this magic "getting the audio clock from jack" stuff would be
really nice.
> Can the audio community use such a board?
> Will they help in producing the feature set and design?
> What features would it need?
> What would they pay for it?
> --
> Richard A. Smith
-- torben Hohn http://galan.sourceforge.net -- The graphical Audio languageReceived on Wed Apr 5 00:15:01 2006
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