> Thank you all for your replies. I think they are very helpful, though
> unfortunitely - dumb as I am - I'll have to think about this and
> understand it completely. I'm most certainly REALLY worse in
> programming than you can imagine... :-) No this is a fact, but
> fortunitely - on the other hand - I'm willing and able to learn.
I'm not sure if this is what you need, but maybe Qt4 is worth a look.
Since 4.0 Qt can be used in GUI-less applications. For connecting events
it uses a signal and slot mechanism which also works thread save since
I have to admit that I as a non programmer was able to do some useful
stuff in Qt in a short period of time, and the documentation really is
very useful.
Not sure if their site is readable with console browsers, but if so,
maybe you find it interesting to read
Best regards
Received on Tue Apr 11 04:15:05 2006
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