Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: [linux-audio-user] [ANN] Snd-ls V0.9.6.2

From: <andersvi@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 14 2006 - 18:42:27 EEST

>>> "P" == Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden> writes:

>> Talking about fate and hope and such: an import/export of
>> suitable versions of ardours playlists (timed objects) in ardour
>> would be great to interface it cleanly to tools like CM. An
>> "object" would consist of time, source, region, route'gain
>> automation-data, everything making up a regions situation in a
>> mix.
P> this is something you can hope for. we already allow per-region export,
P> but the workflow leaves something to be desired.

Being able to generate well-formed playlists from external apps
(CM) and importing them into existing Ardour sessions would be
extremely useful. No.2 would be to export and work on
automation-data outside of Ardour, and importing back again.

As much scriptability of Ardour's interface (scheme or CL-wise)
as possible is very much desired!

OSC i/o of ardour, and being able to read files with OSC-bundles
to use as playlists (or something to translate to Ardour's
.playlist-format) could make flexible and general solutions
towards this.
Received on Fri Apr 14 20:15:07 2006

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