At Q2S [1] there are currently vacant scholarships for Ph.D. students,
and open positions for Postdocs and visiting scholars.
The audio group at Q2S has an interest in Linux audio. For our work we
have developed software for low latency streaming of audio over IP
networks [2], and an encoder/decoder for seventh order Ambisonics in the
horizontal plane. We work within audio over IP, sound fields, audio
coding, error concealment and related fields [3]. There is also a
multimedia group, with which we cooperate closely.
A person with in depth knowledge of and experience from Linux audio
development and use, ALSA, JACK and related topics might be a welcome
addition to the audio group. If you are such a person, and would like
to use your talents in an academic research setting, you are encouraged
to contact us.
Information on the open positions:
The formal deadline for application was march 24th, but later applicants
will also be considered.
For further informations, these may be contacted:
Asbjørn Sæbø, asbjs <insert-AT-sign-here>
Prof. Peter Svensson, svensson <insert-AT-sign-here>
With kind regards
Asbjørn Sæbø
Postdoc, Q2S
[1] Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems
Centre of Excellence
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Will be presented at LAC in Karlsruhe
Received on Tue Apr 18 16:15:06 2006
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