I thought SWH had already provided an RDF file for the CMT plugins. Does yours have more detail?
-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Winkler <pw_lists@email-addr-hidden>
>Sent: Apr 20, 2006 1:21 PM
>To: The Linux Audio Developers' Mailing List <linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden>
>Subject: [linux-audio-dev] RDF for CMT, and slightly improved script
>And here's some quick RDF for the CMT plugins, which greatly
>reduces the number of "Unknown" plugins on my system.
>Plus a slightly improved script (it takes the plugin filename as an
>argument now).
>For a couple of plugins I invented a "SynthesizerPlugin" and
>"SurroundPlugin", which are (not surprisingly) not recognized by Ardour.
>Is there a list somewhere of valid ladpsa RDF plugin types? I had a
>look around the lrdf project page on sourceforge and didn't find
>Paul Winkler
Received on Fri Apr 21 00:15:25 2006
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