On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 11:49:32PM +0100, Gordonjcp wrote:
> Jan Weil wrote:
> >Am Donnerstag, den 20.04.2006, 21:48 +0200 schrieb Lars Luthman:
> >>How about a machine-friendly interface for searching and downloading
> >>plugin tarballs (or references to distribution packages) so one could
> >>write a tool like CPAN for LADSPAs? An automated way to download and
> >>install plugins would be really useful if it could be integrated into
> >>software like Om, Ardour, JACK-rack etc. Scenario: you try to load a new
> >>Om patch that you downloaded from the net, you get the message "You
> >>don't have the 'foo' plugin, do you want to install it?", click Yes, and
> >>a few seconds (or minutes) later the plugin is installed and the patch
> >>is loaded.
> >
> >AFAIK most plugins don't have any dependencies. Is there anything wrong
> DSSI ones may do. It depends what toolkit their GUI was written in.
Sorry, I missed the earlier message, but many plugins also link to FFTW,
and I wouldn't be supprised to find some that link to DSP libraries.
- Steve
Received on Mon May 1 16:15:02 2006
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